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Sunday, December 10, 2017

Week of 12/11 - 12/15

In this five day week leading up to winter break, our main goal in Social Studies will be to finish reading chapter five, then prepare for and take the final test.  Chapter 5 is all about the decline of Feudalism in Europe in the middle ages.  There were three big events that contributed to this decline: the signing of the Magna Carta, the bubonic plague, and the Hundred Years' War.  We have been studying these three events and how they caused power to shift such that the feudal system became unstable.

Here is a breakdown of the week:

  • Monday
    • Re-enactment: Battle of Crecy
    • Reflection (in reading notes)
  • Tuesday
    • Section 5.4 - Hundred Years' War - and Reading Notes 
    • Work to finish Reading Note Packet
  • Wednesday
    • BrainPOP Review (we didn't have time to watch any brainpop videos last week!)
      • Magna Carta
      • Black Death
    • Kahoot Review
  • Thursday - Chapter 5 Study Guide
  • Friday - Chapter 5 Final Test

Monday, December 4, 2017

Week of 12/5 - 12/8

This week in social studies, we will be delving into the meat of Chapter 5, the Decline of Feudalism.  We will be focusing on three big events that changed the course of history by contributing to the end of the feudal system: the signing of the Magna Carta (and other political changes in England), the bubonic plague spreading throughout Europe, and the Hundred Years War.  These three events caused power to shift away from feudal lords and into the hands of the common people.  Students will re-enact these events (experiential) to try to understand the perspective of the medieval people, and use various media to analyze the shifting of powers that led to the fall of feudalism.

Here is the weekly breakdown:
  • Monday - No School
  • Tuesday
    • Magna Carta Experiential 
    • Reflection (in reading note packet)
  • Wednesday
    • History Alive 5.2 & Reading Notes Questions
    • BrainPOP: Magna Carta
  • Thursday
    • Bubonic Plague Experiential
    • Reflection (in reading note packet)
  • Friday 
    • History Alive 5.3 & Reading Notes Questions
NOTE - If a student is absent for an experiential, they will be excused from the activity and reflection.  If a student is absent for a brainpop video, they will be excused from the video and notes.  If they are absent for a section of the reading notes, however, they will be expected to make this up.  The chapter of the textbook is available at the link on the right side of this page.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Week of 11/27 - 12/1

This week in social studies, we will be starting chapter 5 of the History Alive textbook, which is all about the decline of Feudalism.  This week is also the last week of Trimester 1.  Last week we wrapped up building our paper castles, which will the be the last grades added to the first trimester grades.  And while last Wednesday was the last day to turn in late assignments, this week students can still turn in late Ch. 2 Reading Notes and/or retake the Ch. 2 Final test.

Weekly Breakdown:
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
    • Set up & work on Ch. 5 Vocabulary C-Notes
  • Wednesday
    •  Work on/finish vocab C-Notes, due Monday12/5
  • Thursday
    • Ch. 5 Preview
    • Ch 5.1 & Reading Notes
    • Last day of Trimester 1
  • Friday
    • No School - Grading Day

Monday, November 20, 2017

Week of 11/20 - 11/22

This short week in social studies is all about building castles!  After three days for a practice build last week, students have gotten all new materials to start their final castle.  They will have the three days of this week to finalize and create their designs with their small groups.

Each student is graded on their daily participation (scores based on daily group evaluations and self evaluations) as well as the final product.  If a student is absent for a day, they will be excused from the participation score.  On Wednesday of this week, students will turn in their yellow castle packet for a final score. 

One last VERY IMPORTANT note . . . the last day to turn in late/missing work from this trimester is this Wednesday 11/22.  With the exception of the Chapter 2 Final Test and Ch. 2 Reading notes, all assignments must be completed and turned in by the end of this week to be scored for the final trimester grade.  All work we do next week will be included in the Trimester 2 grades.

Here is the breakdown for the week:
  • Monday: Final Build Day 1 
    • Get new materials 
    • Begin building
  • Tuesday: Final Build Day 2
  • Wednesday: Final Final Build Day
    • Finish castles
    • Turn in Yellow Castle Packet
    • Last day to turn in late/missing work

Monday, November 13, 2017

Week of 11/13 - 11/17

This week in Social Studies, we are starting our medieval castle design project!  This is one of my favorite times of the year!  We will start with learning some background information on the different types and parts of castles.  Here is a link to the video we will be watching on Monday:

Next, students will be put into small groups in which they will work together and collaborate to design and build paper castles out of limited supplies.  This week, we will be starting with a practice build, and next week students will have the opportunity to start over completely and build their final castle.

Here is a breakdown of the week:
  • Monday: 
    • Video (link above) and Notes
  • Tuesday: 
    • Castle Background Presentation (by Ms. Superneau) & Notes
    • Castle Design Blueprint (HOMEWORK DUE TOMORROW)
  • Wednesday - Friday
    • Practice Build Days
    • Students will receive a daily participation score & will be excused if absent
See Link on right side of page to download handouts and/or presentation.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Week of 11/6 - 11/9

In this four day week in Social Studies, we will be wrapping up our reading and studying of Chapter 2: the Development of Feudalism.  First we will finish reading the chapter and complete the chapter's reading notes, then work to complete the packet titled Feudal Europe.  Before the test, we will spend a day reviewing the information from the chapter and preparing for the test.

The Green reading note packet titled "Feudal Europe" will be due on Thursday, also the day of our test over the information from chapter 2.  There is a link on the right side of the page (Note - you must be viewing the web version to see links) to a copy of the chapter.

Here is a breakdown of the week:
  • Monday:
    • History Alive 2.6 - 2.8 & Reading Notes
  • Tuesday: 
    • Complete table on Page 4 of reading note packet
    • HOMEWORK - Finish Reading Notes . . . Due Thursday!
  • Wednesday:
    • Study Guide
    • Kahoot Review
    • HOMEWORK - Test tomorrow!  Study!
  • Thursday:
    • Chapter 2 Final Test
    • Reading Notes Due

Monday, October 30, 2017

Week of 10/30 - 11/3

This week in social studies, we are beginning our study of feudalism, including the state of Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire and why/how the feudal system was developed.  Most of our work this week and next will be from the History Alive textbook - Chapter 2: The Development of Feudalism.  Students will be working to read and take reading notes in a packet titled "Feudal Europe". 

In addition to book work, students will also have the opportunity to participate in a re-enactment of feudalism, in which they can experience the life of a serf, knight, lord or monarch, swear solemn oaths of loyalty, and prepare for a barbarian attack!

Also, on Tuesday, for Halloween and because we have shortened class periods, we will take a break from feudalism to learn a bit about the history of Halloween.


Here's a breakdown for the week:
  • Monday: 
    • History Alive Ch 2.1-2.2 & Reading notes
  • Tuesday: 
    • Halloween's History (Videos & Kahoot!)
  • Wednesday: 
    • Feudalism Re-enactment
  • Thursday: 
    • Re-enactment reflection & Chapter 2.3
  • Friday: 
    • History Alive 2.4 - 2.5

Monday, October 23, 2017

Week of 10/23 - 10/26

This week in social studies, we will be wrapping up with our barbarian innovation advertisements, then moving on to Chapter 2 in the History Alive textbook - the Development of Feudalism.

First off, Monday and Tuesday will be devoted to finishing final drafts of the advertisement project we started last week.  The homework over the weekend was to finish a rough draft, so students should use their class time to work on and complete a final draft, complete with color and/or ink, and a big beautiful illustration.  Our last class work day will be Tuesday, but the project will be due Thursday 10/26.  

Click here for the assignment description and grading guide!!

Next, we will be moving on to our first chapter in the History Alive textbook on the Development of Feudalism in medieval Europe.  Wednesday and Thursday, students will preview the chapter by studying some important vocabulary, and C-Notes!

Here is a breakdown for the week:
Monday - Tuesday: Work on Advertisement project.  Final draft due Thursday 10/26.
Wednesday - Thursday: Ch. 2 Vocabulary C-Notes (define each word, use each word in a sentence, and illustrate that sentence.)

Below is the C-Note template for vocabulary.  Students will use the chapter to find definitions, then make up a sentence that uses the word. 

Monday, October 16, 2017

Week of 10/16 - 10/20

This week in social studies, students will be taking a final test on the fall of the Roman Empire, then we will begin a related poster project about the technological advances brought to Europe by the tribes we have been calling "barbarians".

Here is a breakdown for the week:
  • Monday: Fall of Rome Test Review 
    • Study guide
    • Kahoot Review
  • Tuesday: Fall of Rome Final Test
    • This test is OPEN NOTE!  Be sure to finish all notes and bring them with you to class
  • Wednesday: Begin the Barbarian Innovation Advertisement Poster Project 
    • Introduce the project
    • Begin brainstorming
  • Thursday & Friday: Continue work on Advertisement project

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Week of 10/9 - 10/11

This short week in social studies, students will be continuing to learn about the circumstances that led to the fall of the Roman empire.  Students are filling out a C-Note packet that uses a variety of sources.  We will start the week by watching a short song video about the Fall of Rome (link on the right side of this page).  Next, we will read an article that goes into more detail about the invasions of the empire by the "barbarian" tribes.  This article can be found in the "Middle Ages Articles" link on the right side of the page. 

Quick reminder . . . don't forget that Thursday of this week is a grading day for teachers!  That means Midterm progress reports.  Students who want to improve their grades prior to these progress reports will need to turn in late work by Wednesday.

Now, here is the weekly breakdown:
  • Monday: Fall of Rome song & C-Notes.
    • (also, Monday will be a chance to catch up or complete any incomplete notes)
  •  Tuesday & Wednesday: "Background: The Invasions" Article and C-Notes
  • Homework: COMPLETE Fall of Rome Multimedia Source C-Note Packet 
    • Due Monday 10/16

Monday, October 2, 2017

Week of 10/2 - 10/6

This week in Social Studies, we will begin our study of the fall of the Roman empire.  The collapse of Rome launched Europe into the Middle Ages, and forced many people into the socio-economic system called Feudalism.  This time period also brought many new people and tribes into Europe (what we call the "barbarian" invasions), and with them they brought many new innovations and ideas.  After the fall of Rome, Europe was never the same again.

We will be learning about this topic using a variety of different sources, including videos, websites, textbook, an article and a song!  Students will record their learning on a special packet C-Notes that have been set up as "guided" notes.  Most of this work will be done in class, but if a student misses class, they should be able to make up the work at home.  On the right side of this page, there is a set of links under "Fall of Rome" links that will take you to most of the resources in the notes.

Here is a breakdown of the week:
Monday: Fall of Rome Pre-Test
Tuesday: BrainPOP video (C-Notes)
Wednesday: Mr. Giotto's website & Scavenger Hunt (C-Notes)
Thursday - Friday: History Alive Section 1.2 (C-Notes)

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Homework due Monday 10/2

Many students finished in class, but if your student didn't, here it is: Medieval Europe Geography Challenge.  Students should have an accompanying worksheet in their binders.  They need to answer the questions and label the map.  Below are pictures of the maps to use for reference, and the questions that need to be answered.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Week of 9/25 - 9/28

This 4-day week in Social Studies, we will be beginning our study of the middle ages - and practice  note-taking and map-reading.  To start, we will take a closer look at the "Introduction to the Middle Ages Eras" article.  Students will use close reading protocol to mark the text, then summarize each paragraph in their own words on C-Note paper.

We will end the week with a History Alive (our textbook) geography challenge about medieval Europe.  In pairs, students will work to answer questions about the maps in the book and to add information to a blank map of Europe.  There is a link on the right side of the page to the maps in the book.

Here is a breakdown of the week:
Monday - Tuesday: Intro to Middle Ages Article and C-Notes  - Due Thursday 9/28
Wednesday - Thursday: Medieval Europe Geography Challenge - Due Monday 10/2

Monday, September 18, 2017

Week of 9/18 - 9/22

This week in Social Studies, we will be wrapping up activities from last week, then launching into some history!

To start, on Monday, students will have an opportunity to finish the Pathway Project.  This will be the last class day to work on this project, however students will have the week to finish at home for homework (if necessary).  The due date for the project is Friday 9/22.  See last week's post for details.

Next, we will spend a couple days talking about why it is important to learn and study history.  Tuesday we will start with a couple of short videos that succinctly describe why studying and learning about history is important.  See below for links to the videos.  Students are taking C-Notes on the videos, then will be creating posters to illustrate one of the reasons studying history is important.  These student posters will decorate my classroom to serve as a reminder throughout the year!

To end the week, we will start our study of the middle ages in Europe with a short introductory article and a medieval game.

Here's the breakdown for the week:
Monday: Last day to work on Pathway Project (due Friday)
Tuesday: Why Study History Video & C-Notes
Wednesday: Why Study History Poster (due Monday 9/25)
Thursday: Current Events Check-In; Finish Why Study History Poster (due 9/25)
Friday: Intro to Middle Ages Article & Tabla Lusoria game

Video Links:
Why is History Important?
Why Study History?

Friday, September 15, 2017

First full week of school: 9/11 - 15

During the first full week of Social Studies, we had two assignments we were working on: the Personal Pathway project and classroom expectations and routines. 

In the Pathway Project, students are working to create an artistic, thoughtful and creative poster that depicts different aspects of their lives, past and future, along a pathway.  Our objective with this project is to get to help me get to know students better, and to help them get to know each other better.  It is also designed to help students learn class and academic expectations, and to read and use a grading guide effectively.

Students will start with a brainstorm, which needs to be approved by Ms. Superneau.  The projects will be worked on mostly in class, however some students may need to work on them at home.  Monday 9/18 will be the last class period to work on the Pathways, and final drafts will be due Friday 9/22.

To the right, you will see the brainstorm sheet and the grading guide for the Pathway Project.

For class expectations and procedures, students will take notes on a presentation in class.  These will be completed and turned in Friday 9/15.  If a student missed a day of the presentation, both the Powerpoint, and note-taking handout is available in the "Worksheets & Handouts" link on the right side of the page. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Daily Breakdown:
Monday: Class Syllabus & Class Expectations (begin note-taking)
Tuesday: Introduce Pathway project, students begin to brainstorm
Wednesday - Thursday: Continue Class expectations Notes; Work on Pathway Project
Friday: Finish Notes and turn in; Continue work on pathway project